Saturday, August 29, 2020

Back to School in the Time of COVID-19

Graphic courtesy of chiplanay on Pixabay

"Don't forget your mask," I say lightly. 

I try to use the same tone of voice as I use for "Don't forget your water bottle!" and "Don't forget your lunch!"

My children have survived the first week of in-person school.  Sometimes I think they are more resilient than I am. 

Perhaps it's simple math. I have been alive for more than 40 years, so one year of wearing a mask to school is more of an anomaly than it is for my 5-year-old and 7-year-old.

I thought I would be thrilled to have some quiet time while my children are both in school, but instead I found myself missing them. I had gotten used to their constant presence in the past five months since their school district shut down in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Now they are back in school. Deep breath. With the same class sizes as last year. Deep breath. 

We live in Colorado, where the pandemic hasn't caused quite as much devastation as other states. At least not yet. Deep breath.

At least I am mastering a very important parenting skill known as "Pretend Everything is Normal Even When You're Freaking Out Inside." Simply because the alternative is to never let them leave the house.

Nina Snyder is the author of ABCS OF BALLS and the designer of the HOT PINK ORCHARD JOURNAL. Follow her on Twitter @nsnyder_writer.